標題: 美國2月時薪增幅遜、零售業就業創2012年來最大減額

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發表於 2017-5-12 16:04  資料 私人訊息 
曾經BBY財報落難時......,現在看以前(2014)的時候,應還是會買BBBY,放掉BBY. 現在(2017)要反過來嗎?http://mikeon88.blogspot.tw/2014/04/bbby.html

[ 本帖最後由 Friendk 於 2017-5-12 16:14 編輯 ]

UID 65932
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註冊 2016-10-17
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發表於 2017-5-12 16:44  資料 私人訊息 
所以說如果真的很想很想很想買零售業的話, 建議 BBY, 因為有建立起護城河 (目前看來是還可以)

AMZN 的進入改變市場太大, 誰會想到 WMT, BBBY, 等零售會被科技公司給影響?


巴教主也說蘋果和 Google 不能用以往的科技公司來看待他們..

好學生特質 : 產品不變高市佔, 產品會變多角化
由於科技發展越來越快, 各種點子也越來越奇怪..
(吃飯不用錢, 廣告公司幫你付!! 我估計也只有大陸才能這樣搞..)

不會想辦法變化或跟上時代的公司, 除非他產業真的變化不大, 要不然真的很難不受到影響..

KO 的碳酸飲料被人嫌到爆 (不健康), 所以開始主打賣水/健康茶飲
(不過巴教主說得好, 我喝它會讓我開心, 雖然會讓我少活一點, 但是我開心啊~~ 任性教主我喜歡 )

目前零售業的護城河 (方便/便宜/快速) 被 AMZN 給打爆, 就看他們什麼時候重新建立.

但話說回來, 也太多公司可以買... 為啥一定要零售業?

原帖由 Friendk 於 2017-5-12 16:04 發表
曾經BBY財報落難時......,現在看以前(2014)的時候,應還是會買BBBY,放掉BBY. 現在(2017)要反過來嗎?http://mikeon88.blogspot.tw/2014/04/bbby.html

http://https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-HRJellhhB3o/Uz-sifL4 ...

[ 本帖最後由 Xnite 於 2017-5-12 16:50 編輯 ]

UID 65932
精華 0
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帖子 47
閱讀權限 99
註冊 2016-10-17
用戶註冊天數 2755
用戶失蹤天數 1918
發表於 2017-5-12 17:15  資料 私人訊息 
忘記說日本的零售業, 真心覺得是未來實體零售業的出路

未來零售業應該分兩種, 一種是類 AMZN 開的自助零售店

另一種就是日本的零售業, 基本上已經轉化為服務業了.

以用戶體驗為最高原則, 打造像美國大媽說所說的, 要讓大家都在 Shopping Mall 聊天聚餐.
(http://www.longsok.com/shiwu/2015/0707/13851.html.. 這還只是 2015 的報導..)


原帖由 Xnite 於 2017-5-12 16:44 發表
所以說如果真的很想很想很想買零售業的話, 建議 BBY, 因為有建立起護城河 (目前看來是還可以)

AMZN 的進入改變市場太大, 誰會想到 WMT, BBBY, 等零售會被科技公司給影響?

大陸外賣公司把泡麵市場打得鼻青 ...

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註冊 2007-1-14
用戶註冊天數 6320
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發表於 2017-5-29 12:56  資料 主頁 文集 私人訊息 
Walmart's online sales are exploding

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Justin Sullivan/Getty Images
Wal-Mart saw its online sales growth fall into single digits last year before it decided to actually do something about it. When Wal-Mart reported just 7% growth in e-commerce sales in the first quarter of fiscal 2017, the backlash may have been the impetus it needed to start making major e-commerce acquisitions like Jet.com. That move brought on Marc Lore, a serial digital entrepreneur, to head up Wal-Mart's e-commerce business.
It seems the moves are starting to pay off. Lore has made several major moves, and Wal-Mart's e-commerce sales grew a whopping 63% in the first quarter of 2018. What's more, CEO Doug McMillon says that most of that sales growth stems from Walmart.com, not the string of acquisitions it's made over the last year or so.
Two major changes that paid offWal-Mart made an aggressive move at the beginning of the year, offering free two-day shipping on select items for orders over $35. The company did away with its previous shipping program, ShippingPass, which competed directly with Amazon Prime.
Wal-Mart's free shipping is available on over 2 million items. That's well short of Amazon's 50 million Prime-eligible items. Still, Wal-Mart is betting that it has a wide enough selection to fulfill most customers' needs.
The second move Wal-Mart made was to offer discounts on certain items shipped to a nearby store. If Wal-Mart wants to successfully compete with Amazon it needs to use its physical stores. That strategy could be particularly valuable for big-ticket items where shipping the last mile is often costly due to weight, and customers can save a noticeable amount of money.
Wal-Mart's growing third-party marketplaceThe selection of items on Walmart.com has grown from 10 million at this time last year to 50 million today. The growth stems largely from third-party sellers on Wal-Mart's platform.
Third-party sales account for the difference in gross merchandise value(GMV) growth and sales. Last quarter, GMV grew 69% and sales grew just 63%. Those numbers indicate third-party sales continue to increase their share of sales on Walmart.com. Third-party sales don't generate as much revenue, but Wal-Mart could generate higher profit margins from each sale since it doesn't have to handle inventory or shipping.
Amazon, likewise, has seen a lot of growth from third-party merchants recently. Its Fulfillment by Amazon service takes the traditional marketplace one step further by allowing merchants to store products at Amazon's warehouses and take advantage of Amazon's shipping. That's how Amazon quickly grew the number of Prime-eligible items to 50 million. Considering Wal-Mart also has a large fulfillment network, it may consider copying Amazon's strategy.
But why make acquisitions?As mentioned above, McMillon said the majority of Wal-Mart's e-commerce growth is organic. Moreover, he said the "plan in e-commerce is not to buy our way to success." So, if Walmart.com is growing fine on its own, why does it need to make so many acquisitions?
McMillon stated, "The acquisitions are helping us speed some things up." Acquisitions like Modcloth and Moosejaw give Walmart immediate expertise in some high-margin categories. Wal-Mart is historically associated with low quality and low margins. Snatching up some high-end properties could help it sell higher-quality products with higher margins.
That said, all of its acquisitions follow a similar pattern: It's buying up young brands at a discount after they've struggled to raise more funding due to slowing sales. By their nature, Wal-Mart shouldn't expect significant growth to come from the acquisitions after they've been incorporated into its e-commerce revenue. Considering the size of Walmart.com, they'll hardly move the needle for Wal-Mart, and Wal-Mart's brand may still hold it back from incorporating higher-priced and higher-margin items on its main website.
So, if Walmart.com is growing so well, why bother spending investors' money on e-commerce acquisitions? Overall, it was a great quarter for Wal-Mart's online business, but the company's acquisition strategy is still puzzling.

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

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帖子 15453
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註冊 2007-1-14
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發表於 2017-6-7 07:36  資料 主頁 文集 私人訊息 