標題: 酒精飲料公司
chenleon1 (leon)
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發表於 2014-9-8 21:13  資料 文集 私人訊息 
Asahi啤酒日語:アサヒビール株式会社東證1部2502 是一間釀製啤酒和生產軟性飲品的公司。據統計,Asahi擁有日本啤酒市場40%的佔有率。

chenleon1 (leon)
Rank: 1

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發表於 2014-9-8 21:14  資料 文集 私人訊息 
布朗霍文股份有限公司,簡稱布朗霍文,以及布朗霍文股份英語:Brown-Forman Corporation,NYSEBF.ANYSEBF.B),為全美國最大製酒商,是在1870年由喬治·嘉雲·布朗(George Garvin Brown)創立,當時於路易維爾 (肯塔基州)一家小型藥房售貨員工作,其後轉為銷售最有價值的,威士忌玻璃瓶,直至2006年9月底,則已銷售24億美元,而布朗家族持有70%普通股[1][2]
董事長及首席執行官為Paul C. Varga,總部位於850 Dixie Highway Louisville, Kentucky 40210。
而過去出售非核心業務包括尼諾士,以及Fetzer Vineyards。而主要收購包括詹波特[3][4]赫雷多雅集團[5]等。

chenleon1 (leon)
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發表於 2014-9-8 21:17  資料 文集 私人訊息 
安海斯-布希Anheuser-Busch,簡稱ABC)是美國最大的啤酒釀造公司,是在全美有12家啤酒廠,在其他地區則有近20家的大型啤酒廠。安海斯-布希於2008年7月13日宣布與比利時最大的英博集團(InBev,本身是由比利時的Interbrew與巴西的AmBev合併而成)合併的計畫[1],並於同年11月18日正式合併。合併後的母集團命名為安海斯-布希英博(Anheuser-Busch InBev,簡稱為AB InBev),是全世界規模最大的啤酒製造集團。至於被合併的安海斯-布希,則以子公司的型態存續。

安海斯-布希最為人知的品牌包含了像是:百威BuschMichelob家族、百威淡啤酒與Natural Light系列。公司亦生產限量的特製啤酒、無酒精釀酒、麥芽酒眼鏡蛇(King Cobra)與颶風家族(Hurricane family)系列),以及風味麥芽飲品(像Bacardi Silver familyTequiza)。

chenleon1 (leon)
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發表於 2014-9-8 21:21  資料 文集 私人訊息 
嘉士伯Carlsberg)是世界第四大啤酒製造商,於1847年創立,總部位於丹麥哥本哈根。嘉士伯也是該公司主要的啤酒品牌。嘉士伯啤酒在中國主要的全資企業有:嘉士伯啤酒(廣東)有限公司以及其下屬的北京、上海、廣州、成都分公司,主要負責嘉士伯系列品牌啤酒在全中國的生產和銷售業務; 昆明華獅啤酒有限公司及其屬下各分公司,是雲南省第一家啤酒企業,具備生產世界一流啤酒的能力,擁有KK啤酒和白龍潭啤酒的生產和銷售權;大理啤酒(集團)有限責任公司及旗下的4間公司,是雲南省最大的啤酒釀造集團,擁有大理啤酒及風花雪月兩大主要品牌。而合資企業主要有:拉薩啤酒廠蘭州黃河企業股份有限公司新疆烏蘇啤酒廠寧夏啤酒廠,通過兩年多一系列緊鑼密鼓的投資,嘉士伯與其合作夥伴在中國西部地區的總市場佔有率已經處於絕對領先的地位 。
現今的嘉士伯在中國,已由原來的一間啤酒廠、700 多名員工的規模發展成擁有 20 多家啤酒廠、員工超過6000 多名的跨國企業。
2013年03月05日嘉士伯香港擬以每股20元(人民幣•下同),收購重慶啤酒1.47億股,佔總股本約30.29%,涉資約29.3億元,一手打造重慶啤酒的重啤集團全身而退,全數沽清所持有20%的股權 嘉士伯基金會通過其間接控制的全資子公司嘉士伯重慶和嘉士伯香港合計持有重啤29.71%,完成收購後,嘉士伯基金會將控制重啤60%股份。10月8日重慶啤酒收到國務院國資委和商務部批覆,原則同意重啤集團接受收購要約,以每股20元(人民幣,下同)將所持重慶啤酒9,679.4240萬股(佔總股本20%)轉讓給嘉士伯啤酒廠香港有限公司,受讓款超19億元,重啤集團將徹底退出重慶啤酒。

chenleon1 (leon)
Rank: 1

UID 451
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註冊 2011-5-26
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發表於 2014-9-8 21:24  資料 文集 私人訊息 
CCU is a Chilean producer of diversified beverages founded in 1902. The company produces both alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, also operating in the food sector. They have operations in Chile and Argentina.
CCU is notably far from obscurity in South America, and is somewhat diverse.[2] It is Chile's largest brewer, the second largest brewer in Argentina, the third largest soft drink producer in Chile, the second largest wine producer, the largest bottler of mineral water and nectar in Chile, one of the largest pisco producers in the region, and it participates in the candy manufacturing business in Chile.
The CCU product portfolio includes its own brands, as well as licensed and imported brands, maintaining licensing agreements and / or joint ventures withHeineken International N.V., Anheuser-Busch Inc. (now a wholly owned subsidiary of Anheuser-Busch InBev N.V.), PepsiCo Inc., Paulaner Brewery GmbH & Co. KG, (Brau Holding International GmbH & Co. KGaA) Dr Pepper Snapple Group Inc. (formerly Cadbury Schweppes), Guinness Brewery (a subsidiary of Diageo Plc), and Societe des Produits Nestle S.A..


chenleon1 (leon)
Rank: 1

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發表於 2014-9-8 21:26  資料 文集 私人訊息 
帝亞吉歐公眾有限公司(Diageo plc)是英國跨國酒精飲料公司,總部位於倫敦。帝亞吉歐是世界最大的蒸餾酒出產商,亦是重要的啤酒葡萄酒生產商。[3][4]
帝亞吉歐旗下品牌包括:斯米諾(Smirnoff)(世界銷量第一的伏特加[5]約翰走路(Johnie Walker)(世界銷量第一的調和式蘇格蘭威士忌[6]百利甜酒(Baileys)(世界銷量第一的利口酒[7]健力士(Guinness)(世界銷量第一的司陶特啤酒)。[8][9]帝亞吉歐的中國白酒品牌則包括水井坊。此外,帝亞吉歐擁有酩悅·軒尼詩34%的股權,後者旗下品牌包括酩悅香檳(Moet & Chandon)、凱歌香檳(Veuve Clicquot)及軒尼詩(Hennessy)。[10][11]帝亞吉歐的產品銷往世界180多個國家,在大約80個國家設有辦事處。[12][13]

chenleon1 (leon)
Rank: 1

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發表於 2014-9-8 21:30  資料 文集 私人訊息 
Davide Campari Milano SpA is an Italy-based company engaged in the beverage industry. It manufactures and distributes alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages. The Company‘s business activities are divided into three segments. The Spirits segment comprises such internationally renowned brands as Campari, Wild Turkey, Old Smuggler, SKYY Vodka and Cynar, as well as local market brands, including Aperol, Cabo Wabo, Campari Soda, GlenGrant, Ouzo 12, and Brazilian brands Dreher, Old Eight and Drury’s, among others. The Wine segment consists of such brand names as Cinzano sparkling wines and vermouth, , Mondoro, Riccadonna, Odessa and Sella & Mosca, among others. The Soft Drinks segment is composed of such brands as Crodo and Lemonsoda. In November 2013, the Company gained the distribution rights for Bulldog Gin, an independently owned brand in the gin segment. In June 2014, the Company acquired Forty Creek Distillery Ltd and Fratelli Averna SpA.http://www.camparigroup.com/en

[ 本帖最後由 chenleon1 於 2014-9-8 21:32 編輯 ]
chenleon1 (leon)
Rank: 1

UID 451
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註冊 2011-5-26
用戶註冊天數 4725
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發表於 2014-9-8 21:35  資料 文集 私人訊息 
Grupo Modelo is a large brewery in Mexico. It has 63% of the Mexican beer market,[1] and exports beer to most countries of the world. Its export brands include Corona,Modelo, and Pacifico.[2] Grupo Modelo also brews brands intended solely for the domestic Mexican market,Estrella (a local beer found only in western Mexico); andLeon and Montejo (originally local to Yucatan but now available nationwide). Grupo Modelo has exclusive rights in Mexico for the import and distribution of beer produced by Anheuser-Busch.[2] Until the 1960s, Grupo Modelo used red poppy flowers in its advertising, where almost any image it used had poppy flowers somewhere in the image.
On June 12, 2008, The Wall Street Journal stated thatAnheuser-Busch InBev, which owned a non-controlling 50% stake in the company, may attempt to acquire the remaining 50%.[3] On June 29, 2012, it was announced that Anheuser-Busch InBev would acquire the remaining 50% stake for an all cash price of $20.1 billion.[4] On January 31, 2013, the U.S. Justice Department filed an anti-trust suit in an attempt to prevent the buyout. The matter was settled and the two companies merged in June 2013, with the transfer of all United States rights to Constellation Brands. As a result all of the company's brands are made (in Mexico) by an unrelated company. The company no longer is allowed to export to the United States.

chenleon1 (leon)
Rank: 1

UID 451
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註冊 2011-5-26
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發表於 2014-9-8 21:39  資料 文集 私人訊息 
麒麟啤酒日語:キリンビール),全稱麒麟啤酒株式會社(日語:麒麟麦酒株式会社英語:Kirin Brewery Company, Limited),是日本的一家釀酒企業。其法人屬麒麟控股株式會社(由舊麒麟麥酒改組設立)旗下,扮演生產啤酒發泡酒的事業子公司的角色。在集團上麒麟集團則是屬於三菱集團麒麟啤酒的前身是在1870年(明治3年),由挪威系美國人威廉·科普蘭創建的啤酒企業「スプリング・バレー・ブルワリー(科普蘭啤酒)」[1]。這家公司也是日本首家生產銷售給一般民眾生產的啤酒的企業,堪稱日本啤酒產業的先驅。幾經變遷,1907年(明治40年),科普蘭啤酒變為三菱財閥旗下的日本國籍公司「麒麟麥酒」再度出發。第二次世界大戰之後,生產量逐漸增加。在1954年(昭和29年),獲得全年出庫量佔有率首位,鞏固了其在日本國內啤酒業界的地位。直到朝日啤酒的「Asahi Super Dry」台頭之前,麒麟都擁有日本國內啤酒業界首位的位置。2009年(平成21年),朝日啤酒在啤酒類商品(啤酒發泡酒第三啤酒)的「銷售數量」獲得首位,日本國內啤酒市場佔有率爭奪戰極其激烈。麒麟則在發泡酒和第三啤酒領域獲得市場佔有率首位。在2009年(平成21年)日本國內啤酒類商品「出貨量」市場佔有率上,麒麟以37.7%的微弱優勢超過朝日啤酒的37.5%,時隔九年再次重返首位。

chenleon1 (leon)
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發表於 2014-9-8 21:40  資料 文集 私人訊息 
保樂力加Pernod Ricard)是一家法國公司,為全球第二大葡萄酒烈酒生產集團(第一為帝亞吉歐),於1975年由保樂Pernod)與力加Ricard)兩家公司合併而成。

chenleon1 (leon)
Rank: 1

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註冊 2011-5-26
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發表於 2014-9-8 21:43  資料 文集 私人訊息 
The Boston Beer Company is America's leading brewer of handcrafted, full-flavored beers. Founder and Brewer, Jim Koch, brews Samuel AdamsR beers using the time-honored, traditional four-vessel brewing process, and the world's finest all-natural ingredients. With over 30 distinctive, award-winning styles of beer, Samuel Adams offers discerning beer drinkers a variety of brews. The brewery has won more awards in international beer-tasting competitions in the last five years than any other brewery in the world. Samuel Adams is an independent brewery and brewing quality beer remains its single focus. While the Samuel Adams brand is the country’s largest-selling craft beer, it accounts for just under one percent of the U.S. beer market. The Company's flagship brand, Samuel Adams Boston LagerR, is brewed using the same recipe and traditional brewing processes that Jim Koch's great-great grandfather used in the mid 1800s. The result is a beer renowned by drinkers for its full flavor, balance, complexity, and consistent quality. For more information, visit www.samueladams.com.

chenleon1 (leon)
Rank: 1

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發表於 2014-9-8 21:45  資料 文集 私人訊息 
南非米勒SABMiller plc)是一家總部位於英國倫敦的跨國釀酒飲料公司。按營業額來算是世界第二大啤酒生產商,僅次於安海斯-布希英博集團,此外也是可口可樂的主要裝瓶公司之一[4][5]。旗下公司有巴伐利亞啤酒福士啤米勒釀酒公司南非釀酒公司佩羅尼啤酒皮爾森歐克[4],分佈在全球各大洲75個國家,每年銷售210億升窖藏啤酒[4]

chenleon1 (leon)
Rank: 1

UID 451
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註冊 2011-5-26
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發表於 2014-9-8 21:47  資料 文集 私人訊息 
札幌啤酒サッポロビール株式会社Sapporo Breweries)是日本具代表性的啤酒生產企業之一。明治9年 (1876年)時,日本政府的開拓使北海道札幌市創建了開拓使麥酒醸造所,公司名稱就來自於在這裡生產的「冷製札幌ビール」。公司創建於1949年(昭和24年)9月1日,舊大日本麥酒株式會社因過度經濟力集中排除法企業再建整備法而改為『日本麥酒株式會社』,1964年(昭和39年)1月改名為札幌啤酒株式會社。之後因集團全體改為控股公司體制,在2003年(平成15年)7月1日商號改為札幌控股株式會社,現業一切均移交給新設公司「札幌啤酒株式會社」,改為純粹控股公司。自2010年(平成22年)開始,企業的宣傳口號是「讓乾杯更加美味」(「乾杯をもっとおいしく。」)。


chenleon1 (leon)
Rank: 1

UID 451
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發表於 2014-9-8 21:52  資料 文集 私人訊息 
Constellation Brands, Inc., of Victor, New York, is a publicly traded drinks company with brands in wine, beer and spirits. The company was established in 1945 by Marvin Sands in the Finger Lakes region of New York as Canandaigua Industries Company. Since that time, the company has grown through internal expansion and by acquisitions across all segments of the beverage alcohol industry.Constellation Brands is the largest wine producer in the world.[2] It had sales of over $3.77 billion in fiscal year 2008. It operates about 40 production facilities, employs some 4,300, and markets its products worldwide.
The company owns more than 100 brands in wine, beer and spirits. Wine brands include Robert Mondavi, Clos du Bois, Franciscan Estates, Ravenswood, Blackstone, Nobilo, Kim Crawford, Inniskillin, Jackson-Triggs and Arbor Mist. Beer brands include Corona, Modelo Especial and Negra Modelo, Pacifico, and Tsingtao. Spirits brands include Black Velvet Canadian Whisky, Svedka Vodka and Paul Masson Grande Amber Brandy.

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chenleon1 (leon)
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發表於 2014-9-8 21:57  資料 文集 私人訊息 
The Molson Coors Brewing Company is a North American brewing company, formed in 2005 by the merger of Molson of Canada, and Coors of the United States. It is the world's seventh largest brewer by volume. The company's binational nature has caused several sources in both the U.S. and Canada to claim the company is now controlled by interests in the other country.[5][unreliable source?][6] While the company is incorporated in the United States,[7] the company is traded on stock exchanges in both countries,[8] and control is equally shared between the Molson and Coors families.[9] The company is headquartered in Denver, Colorado, and in Montreal, Quebec[10][11]On October 9, 2007, SABMiller and Molson Coors Brewing Company announced a joint venture to be known as MillerCoors for their U.S. operations that will market all of their products.
